OK. My daughter read a recent post I wrote on this blog and she says I'm too hard on myself. Instead of beating myself up about what didn't go well in my classroom she wants me to celebrate all the things that do go well. So, here it goes, my end-of-year present to myself - a list of all the positive things that have transpired this year, not in order of importance, with little or no additional commentary from me. 1. A parent who could not attend the recent literacy session I did for families asked when I was doing the next one because she'd heard the first one was very informative. 2. Our last Professional Learning Community (PLC) meeting went really well; I shifted the focus to teacher practice and pedagogy. 3. My students freely give each other appreciations during closing circle. 4. My most challenging student is gradually and successfully becoming a valued and valuable member of our class. 5. Five students have made considerable progress in their spelling devel...
This blog is a place to ruminate on the problems of teaching. If I am thinking thoughtfully, my posts will hopefully raise more questions than answers. By problematizing teaching we reflect on those questions that are constantly behind, in front, and at center of everything we do in the classroom. Feel free to comment. I'd love to hear what other teachers are thinking about on these and other issues. Cheers! Elisa