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Showing posts from October, 2011

Teaching Math

If one thing is constant for me as a teacher it is this: nothing is ever the same from year to year. I often spend my summers reflecting on the previous year and on the lessons I learned with my students. It is on this basis that I make changes or adjustments in September. Often, what worked for one group of children won't work for a different group. This "difference" is what makes teaching come alive for me year after year. It's never the same because I never teach the same group of students or teach under the same circumstances; I am never the same teacher from one year to the next. In fact, the opposite is always true. Now, if this makes teaching hard, so be it. Whether or not teaching is harder than most other professions is up for grabs. See this: So, after a summer of reading, reflecting, and planning I am ready to make changes in my classroom...