My little word for 2014 is brave.
So, every day I try to do something brave.
I put myself out on a limb but I am firm.
I assert my professional knowledge and expertise.
There have been some memorable moments
when I didn't give up
even though insanity prevailed.
In the end, my arguments were valid.
I was right to fight for my students.
Sometimes, I've been less than courageous.
I've hesitated to take action that would have benefited students.
Because I have made myself vulnerable when maybe I shouldn't have,
I've been burned.
It's at these times when fear can take over.
But, I am learning that fear is the enemy of courage.
So, I renounce fear.
And, I recommit to being courageous,
a little bit every day.
Cross posted to March Slice of Life Challenge #10.