I had good intentions.
I was going to blog at the end of the summer.
And, then again after the first day of school.
And, finally, at the end of the first week.
But, none of that happened.
These last two weeks - one for teacher PD and working in classrooms, and the other, our first one with students - have been so incredibly busy that I've had precious little time for reading or writing. Despite the fact that this summer was somewhat unusual because I didn't do as much reading and writing as I normally do during the summer months, it was still much better than these past two weeks. In addition to the typical start-up load of going back to school, I now have a longer than normal, albeit temporary, commute. This means I have precious little time for much of anything that isn't essential.
Nevertheless, today is a new day.
A fresh start.
A second chance.
As I look out the window of my bedroom I am greeted by brilliant blue skies, majestic mountains, and two volcanoes - Cotopaxi and Atacazo.
My students and I have already started on a routine of independent reading and read aloud. They are beginning to expect this routine and are starting to plan for what they're going to read. As they get into the habit of reading and writing at home, I am excited about the possibilities of what our classroom will look like once we've got a full reading/writing workshop up and running.
So, here's to beginnings.
They offer us another chance to get it right.
To connect with others.
To make a difference for my students.
And, if I can make just one connection, then I'll know it was all worth it in the end.
I was going to blog at the end of the summer.
And, then again after the first day of school.
And, finally, at the end of the first week.
But, none of that happened.
These last two weeks - one for teacher PD and working in classrooms, and the other, our first one with students - have been so incredibly busy that I've had precious little time for reading or writing. Despite the fact that this summer was somewhat unusual because I didn't do as much reading and writing as I normally do during the summer months, it was still much better than these past two weeks. In addition to the typical start-up load of going back to school, I now have a longer than normal, albeit temporary, commute. This means I have precious little time for much of anything that isn't essential.
Nevertheless, today is a new day.
A fresh start.
A second chance.
As I look out the window of my bedroom I am greeted by brilliant blue skies, majestic mountains, and two volcanoes - Cotopaxi and Atacazo.
We can only see a bit of the top of the volcano pictured below, so we don't know if this is in fact the volcano we are seeing. However, this is my husband's best guess from looking at maps of volcanoes in Ecuador.
So, I take a deep breath and recommit to making time...no, I recommit to setting aside time to read and write so that I can continue to be a model for my students - someone who reads and writes on the way to becoming a better person and a more effective teacher.
My students and I have already started on a routine of independent reading and read aloud. They are beginning to expect this routine and are starting to plan for what they're going to read. As they get into the habit of reading and writing at home, I am excited about the possibilities of what our classroom will look like once we've got a full reading/writing workshop up and running.
So, here's to beginnings.
They offer us another chance to get it right.
To connect with others.
To make a difference for my students.
And, if I can make just one connection, then I'll know it was all worth it in the end.