I've been absent from my blog for the past week, but for a good reason: I've been doing writing for my doctoral research. So much so, that my brain feels like it's on overload. I don't think I could extend any more brain power at the moment and, yet, I write some more.
It is past midnight. I have my Kindle at my side, ready to read another chapter of my chick lit book. Yes. You read that correctly. Chick. Lit. Novel. Does that term even exist? You know, like chick flicks? Oh, well. Maybe I've just created a new term, even if only for myself.
I can't wait to dig in and read more about Vanessa, Kate, and Dani and how the secret two of them harbor gets unraveled. How will it affect their relationships? Will they grow up, once and for all? And, what about the men in their lives? How will those relationships pan out? As you can see, I've been thinking a lot about this, in between writing my literature review and completing the ethics application for my field study. This book is my brain break.
Ah, yes, my brain! It is feeling like toast: crusty, with visible holes here and there, and cluttered. Yes. Very. Cluttered. My eyes feel heavy, but not ready for sleep. The heroines in my book await me. I must read on.
By the way, in case you think I'm a vapid, brainless reader...I am also reading two other, more serious, books at the same time: The Kill Room by Jeffrey Deaver, a Lincoln Rhyme mystery, and Martin Luther King, Jr. On Leadership by Donald T. Phillips.
Disclosure: I'm enjoying all three books immensely.
I love Deaver's books, but need to be in the right frame of mind to read them. There's always a lot of intrigue and complicated plot lines. I love the mystery and danger in his books. A shout out to my friend Lori Kennedy for recommending Deaver all those years ago.
The Phillips book was recommended by a member of my PLN and I'm enjoying it for the historical aspects, which I find fascinating. I don't typically choose to read historical fiction or nonfiction. However, when I do, I really enjoy it a lot. I haven't yet gotten to what the author identifies as Martin Luther King, Jr's. perspective on the issue of leadership, the topic of the book, but I've gotten a great history lesson, so far! Looking forward to continuing to read this book.
All the Summer Girls by Meg Donohue, on the other hand, is my book to relax. I love the character depictions and the relationships among the three friends. To me, they sound real; they could be actual people I know. Or, am I just being delusional? My brain on overload? No, I don't think so. I like this book, though I may not recommend it on Goodreads. This is my secret, or not-so-secret, guilty pleasure.
Today is my last day of February vacation. I go back to school tomorrow. I'm looking forward to seeing my students and being in the classroom, but I am going to miss the lazy days of running errands, spending time with my husband and son, and reading, writing and resting.
Now, back to my books.
Cross posted to Two Writing Teachers Slice of Life Tuesday