Snippets of conversations...
"Ms. Elisa, you're late!" (It's 7:43 and I usually get to my class around 7:35 in the morning.)
"How's your workshop, Ms. Elisa?" (I've been at a workshop all week long. I see my students first thing in the morning and not again until the next day.)
"Ms. Elisa, what do you prefer? Being in your workshop or being in the classroom?"
"Being here with you guys, of course!"
"Ms. Elisa, can you read chapter 5 of our story?"
"Of course! Just send me an email so I will remember."
"Ms. Elisa, the lightning struck right outside our window yesterday! We hid under the tables. It sounded like an explosion!" (We've been having some intense electrical storms over the last few days.)
"Ms. Elisa, I won't be in school today. Is there anything I can do at home?" (Email from a student who was out today.)
"Ms. Elisa, can I start to do some research for the information writing unit we're about to start?" (Another email from a student.)
I have missed my kiddos this week! While I'm really loving the PD I've been involved in, I really want to get back to my classroom. Two more days...two more days...
Cross posted to Two Writing Teachers Slice of Life March Challenge, Day #30.
"Ms. Elisa, you're late!" (It's 7:43 and I usually get to my class around 7:35 in the morning.)
"How's your workshop, Ms. Elisa?" (I've been at a workshop all week long. I see my students first thing in the morning and not again until the next day.)
"Ms. Elisa, what do you prefer? Being in your workshop or being in the classroom?"
"Being here with you guys, of course!"
"Ms. Elisa, can you read chapter 5 of our story?"
"Of course! Just send me an email so I will remember."
"Ms. Elisa, the lightning struck right outside our window yesterday! We hid under the tables. It sounded like an explosion!" (We've been having some intense electrical storms over the last few days.)
"Ms. Elisa, I won't be in school today. Is there anything I can do at home?" (Email from a student who was out today.)
"Ms. Elisa, can I start to do some research for the information writing unit we're about to start?" (Another email from a student.)
I have missed my kiddos this week! While I'm really loving the PD I've been involved in, I really want to get back to my classroom. Two more days...two more days...
Cross posted to Two Writing Teachers Slice of Life March Challenge, Day #30.