When we got home this afternoon we discovered that there was no internet. Something having to do with the fiber optic connection. The Internet service won't be restored until after midnight my time, which would be way past the SOL challenge deadline. So, what is a committed slicer to do? Blog on my phone, of course! It is definitely not my preferred style, but it's better than missing a day. The print is tiny and it takes so much longer for me to type on my phone than on my laptop, but it has gotten easier over time.
I wonder if the problem the Internet connection is related to the 4.3 tremor we experienced earlier this morning? Actually, I should say, that others felt because my students and I didn't feel anything. It wasn't until an assistant came to tell us that we needed to evacuate that we realized something was happening. Fortunately, everyone was OK and there haven't been any more tremors. However, we're prepared since we live in a country with a lot of seismic and volcanic activity.
So, those were the highlights of my day. What were the highlights of yours!
Cross posted to the Two Writing Teachers March Slice of Life, Day #15https://twowritingteachers.wordpress.com